Political Science
Political Science and Legal Careers:
Be a Leader and a Force for Change
Our world is made up of diverse and complex cultures and ideologies that create the foundation for our membership in the human polity. Understanding the rules and relationships that govern societies and learning to research and to ask the questions that serve as the catalyst for change, allow you to see the application of theory in the real world.
Students interested in pursuing a legal career will find that University of Detroit Mercy's political science and pre-law programs emphasize the development of skills, such as critical thinking and writing, necessary for entering and completing law school.
Whether you are pursuing a major, minor or certificate, our programs will help to position you for success with both theory and practice of legal concepts and an understanding of political science. Special opportunities such as our two student organizations, internships in Washington, D.C., moot court simulations and LSAT test preparation all work to complement your Detroit Mercy student experience and prepare you well for your future.
University of Detroit Mercy's Pre-Law Program provides you with a challenging curriculum that will create a solid foundation in your understanding of legal terminology, conducting legal research, writing legal briefs and constructing logical legal arguments.
In addition, you will have a variety of opportunities to receive first-hand knowledge for law-related activities. For example, you will be able to participate in moot court and play various roles from judge to jury and can experience an actual law class simulation from instructors at Detroit Mercy Law.
This program pairs well with diverse majors, including political science, philosophy, English and economics. Once in the program, you are assigned to an advisor from Detroit Mercy's Pre-Law Committee.
Beginning college is a big step. So is the dream of law school. Detroit Mercy’s Accelerated 6-Year Law Scholars Program (3+3) is a partnership between University of Detroit Mercy and University of Detroit Mercy’s School of Law for today’s emerging professionals. Detroit Mercy’s Accelerated 6-Year Law Scholars Program (3+3) allows you to pursue the passion of your undergraduate approved major and deepen your interest in law.
As an outstanding, academically motivated freshmen with a strong intent to attend law school you will benefit from a partnership between Detroit Mercy and Detroit Mercy’s School of Law, making it possible for you to graduate in six years instead of seven with both an undergraduate baccalaureate degree and a Juris Doctor law degree.
Law Day Fair is an annual event during the fall semester sponsored by the Pre-Law Committee and co-sponsored by Detroit Mercy's Students for Politics & Law Organization.
Student Opportunities
Washington Center Program
The Washington Center Program consists of an internship, an academic class and a leadership forum.
Programs are available for Summer, Fall and Winter semesters. More than 1,000 internship opportunities are available at organizations including the Library of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, C-SPAN and the National Institutes of Health. All students are also required to take one of 35 academic courses and participate in the leadership forum.
Students for Politics & Law
Students for Politics and Law is a non-partisan Detroit Mercy student organization with the dual goals of:
- Fostering political dialogue and providing opportunities for participating in politics (e.g., voter registration, public opinion polling, invited speakers, campaigning)
- Helping students prepare for law school and subsequent careers in law-related fields (e.g., LSAT test preparation, annual Law Day Fair, mock classes by Detroit Mercy Law School faculty).
Undergraduate Programs
Major - Political Science
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Political Science
University of Detroit Mercy's Bachelor of Arts with a major in political science offers you a flexible program organized around the various subfields of political science but also allows substantial concentration in an area of personal interest.
In addition, if you are interested in pursuing a legal career, Detroit Mercy's political science major emphasizes the development of skills, such as critical thinking and writing, necessary for entering and completing law school. You may also consider completing Detroit Mercy's legal studies certificate to supplement your interest in law.
To obtain this undergraduate degree, the student must fulfill the requirements of the University core curriculum, the requirements for the 33-credit-hour program major and have completed a minimum of 120 credit hours.
Minor - Political Science
University of Detroit Mercy's 18-credit minor in political science provides you with a flexible program that will allow a broad understanding of the various aspects of the discipline. The program provides the basic foundation in the introductory class followed by a sampling of the subfields.
Certificate - Legal Studies
University of Detroit Mercy's Legal Studies Certificate curriculum was developed with guidance from the University's Pre-Law Committee. The 24-credit certificate pairs well with many diverse majors and is helpful to students pursuing a course of pre-law.
Alumni Reach for Their Dreams

Allison McDonough '19
Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Chicago
Allison McDonough graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a certificate in legal studies in May 2019 from Detroit Mercy, and attained her Juris Doctor from Florida State Law School in May 2022. McDonough's excellent performance has earned her a position at Pricewaterhouse Coopers, an audit and assurance, tax and consulting service, in Chicago. McDonough credits the exceptional preparation and support from the political science and pre-law programs while attending Detroit Mercy for her success in law school.
Allura Williams '20
Allura Williams majored in political science and philosophy, minored in women's and gender studies and earned a certificate in legal studies as an undergraduate. Inspired by personal tragedy to be a voice for those who feel they cannot be heard, she found family and community at Detroit Mercy. Read more about her story in the Legal News:
Tragedy sparked student's interest in legal career.
Marianne Karkaba '22
Marianne Karkaba majored in political science, minored in philosophy and leadership and earned a certificate in legal studies as an undergraduate. Learn more about her journey as a woman and an Arab-American through this article in the Legal News:
Law student embraces school's mission of service to community.
Learning Objectives & Goals
Political Science Major & Minor
Graduates of the program will:
1. Understand the fundamental importance of membership in the human polity (comprehension).
2. Identify the major ideas and theories and their application to political movements, structures, and institutions in the United States and other countries (empirical).
3. Develop skills necessary to communicate and evaluate the implications of qualitative and quantitative information relevant to the study and practice of politics (applied).
4. Develop the ability to make connections between theory and practice, between global and local events, and between political science and other disciplines (analytical/integrative).
Legal Studies Certificate
Graduates of the program will:
- Demonstrate an ability to apply their legal knowledge of legal studies in an applied environment (applied).
- Demonstrate an ability to perform legal research using standard accepted legal software tools such as Westlaw and Lexis Nexis (analytical/integrative).
- Express legal terminology succinctly and professionally both in writing and orally.
- Demonstrate an ability to write legal briefs including case briefs and attorney briefs (applied).
- Understand the fundamental importance of the role of law in the political system (comprehension).
- Develop the critical thinking skills to organize logical legal arguments.


Jocelyn Boryczka
Professor of Political Science
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Lee Dionne
Director, Pre-Law Program

Felicia Grey
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Victoria Mantzopoulos
Professor of Political Science
Executive Director of China Programs
Vice Dean DGTI (China)

Genevieve Meyers
Department Chair, Political Science
Associate Professor of Political Science
Adjunct Faculty

Gabriel Kikas
Senior Adjunct Instructor

Sean Novak
Senior Adjunct Instructor

Lindsey Smith-Mann
Senior Adjunct Instructor
Ready for the Next Step?
Explore this exciting field of study and learn how people interact with each other and how their behavior is shaped within the aspects of society such as communities, age, race, politics and religion.