Detroit Mercy Psychology Clinic

Are you sad or depressed? Nervous or confused? Have you been through a divorce, lost your job or had a loved one die? 

These feelings are normal, but when they start to change your behavior, mood or ability to do your job, you may need help to get through this.

At the Psychology Clinic you will find quality guidance that you can afford. We care about you and promise to treat you with dignity and respect.

Availability, Fees, Confidentiality

  • The Psychology Clinic is available to university students, staff and residents of the entire metropolitan Detroit area.
  • Fees are based on household income. We do not accept insurance.
  • All services are provided by graduate students in clinical psychology who are supervised by licensed psychologists. Client sessions may be video or audio recorded to assist with graduate training and supervision. 
  • Your sessions are completely confidential.

Psychological services for children, adolescents and adults can help you cope with:

  • Emotional issues like low self-esteem, depression or grief
  • Big life changes like job loss or living on your own
  • Recent stress like loss of a loved one, divorce or major illness
  • Relationship issues such as marital problems, parenting children and teens or conflicts with your boss or coworkers

Psychological testing and assessment services that:

  • Sort out emotional concerns
  • Resolve trouble paying attention
  • Determine if your child is ready for school, has a learning problem or is gifted
  • Understand feelings that create anxiety about doing well at school or work

Call with questions


Individuals who request services will speak with a Clinic Assistant who will provide general clinic information and ask you for basic information.

If you leave a message, a member of the clinical staff will call you within 48 hours.


Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

We currently offer in person psychotherapy as well as teletherapy services by phone or HIPAA compliant electronic means.


Detroit Mercy Psychology Clinic

McNichols Campus
Reno Hall, First Floor
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI 48221

The Detroit Mercy Psychology Clinic does not provide emergency services.

In the event of an emergency, go to the nearest hospital emergency room or Psychiatric Department or contact:

Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency’s 24-hour Crisis Hotline

Detroit Police Department 24-hour Crisis Hotline

University of Detroit Mercy Police, Fire, and Medical

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    Psychological Treatment

    Psychotherapy services are offered for a wide-range of difficulties including anxiety, stress, depression, transitional life difficulties and relationship problems.

    • Individual psychotherapy
    • Couples/Marital therapy
    • Parenting skills and parenting guidance

    Psychological Testing and Assessment

    Psychological and educational testing is available to assist in identifying and understanding emotional, behavioral, attention and learning problems in children, adolescents and adults.

    Academic concerns such as school readiness, identification of giftedness or learning disabilities and clarifying abilities and interests can also be addressed.

    • Emotional concerns
    • Behavioral problems
    • Intellectual functioning and school achievement
    • Learning disabilities
    • Attention deficits
    • Giftedness
    • Developmental disabilities

    Consultation and Outreach Services

    The Psychology Clinic seeks collaborative partnerships with interested community organizations to address the mental health needs and wellbeing of metropolitan area residents, for example health fairs, community educational programs and the Sport Psychology program, which provides ongoing consultation services to University of Detroit Mercy’s Athletics Department.



    Client fees are based on a sliding scale according to ability to pay and household income. The Psychology Clinic does not participate with Medicare, Medicaid or insurance companies. Full payment is requested at the time of service.



    The Psychology Clinic serves children age 6 and older, adolescents and adults. Services will be provided regardless of the client's race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation

Clinic Policies and Mission

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    We respect your privacy and confidentiality. Confidentiality and your personal information is legally and ethically protected. This includes your appointments, sessions, assessments and evaluation results and all records. Under state and Federal law, your records may not be released without your written authorization.

    If you would like more information on our confidentiality and privacy practices, please read the items below:


    Diversity Statement

    The Psychology Clinic honors diversity and adheres to the highest ethical standards for practicing multicultural competence. The Psychology Clinic is an emotionally safe and respectful environment for all community members. We strive to create an environment in which the uniqueness of each person is valued, and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect without regard to race, gender, age, national origin, ethnic background, disability, religion, culture or sexual orientation.


    Mission, Vision and Values


    The University of Detroit Mercy Psychology Clinic promotes the mental health and well-being of the University and metropolitan communities through provision of quality psychological services and through a commitment to professional leadership, education and training and compassionate service.


    We envision a vibrant, community-oriented, university-based center that offers a comprehensive range of services to children, adolescents and adults; provides progressive education and training in professional psychology; and promotes scholarship and research in an urban context. 


    Commitment to the highest standards of personal and professional ethics.

    Respect for individual differences and the dignity of all people.

    Equal access to affordable, scientifically informed, clinically effective services.

    Preparation of highly qualified, dedicated professional psychologists.

    Recognition of inner emotions, significant relationships and experiences unique to each individual.

    Individualized and human-centered services designed to address the needs and well-being of the whole person.

Clinical Staff

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    Administrative Staff

    • Clinic Director: John Porcerelli, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology Department
    • Clinic Manager/Administrative Assistant: Nancy O'Shea

    Clinical Staff

    Services are provided by advanced graduate students in the Clinical Doctoral Program who are supervised by licensed doctoral level clinical psychologists on the faculty and from the professional community. Each year 16- 20 graduate student therapists provide services during their second through fourth years of study. Client sessions may be video or audio recorded to assist with graduate training and supervision.

    • First-year doctoral students provide telephone screening and crisis intervention
    • Second-year doctoral students provide psychological assessment services
    • Second- through fourth-year students provide intake evaluation, psychotherapy, consultation and outreach services


    All clinical services are supervised by fully licensed psychologists, including University of Detroit Mercy faculty who are practicing in the greater Detroit area.

    Clinical Supervisor and Area of Expertise

    Kristen Abraham, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    B.K. Campbell, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy

    Kristen Beesley, Ph.D.
    Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Daniel Blake, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Couples Therapy

    Thomas A. Cappas, Ph.D.
    Couples Therapy

    Paula Christian-Kliger, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Organizational Consultation                        

    Barry Dauphin, Ph.D., ABPP
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Nancy Dietrich, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Terrance Filter, Ph.D.
    Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy   

    Deborah Harms, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Joel Harms, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Steven Hanley, Ph.D.
    Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy       

    Bethany Helfman, Psy.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Mark Hirsch, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Child/Adolescent Therapy

    Bethann Kalt, Ph.D.
    Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Raymond Kamoo, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Bernadette Kovach, Ph.D.
    ChildTherapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Lawrence Kron, Ph.D.
    Group Therapy

    Nancy Kulish, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Gordon MacKinnon, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    James Maher, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Leslie McNamara, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Kate Melchior, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Kathleen Moore, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Cheryl Munday, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Susan Orbach, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Douglas Park, Ph.D.
    Assessment Therapy

    Patricia Plopa, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Couples Therapy

    John Porcerelli, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy, Couples Therapy

    Mary Pruneau, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy

    Ira Schaer, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy

    Michael Shulman, Ph.D.
    Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Walter Sobota, Ph.D., ABPP
    Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy

    Margaret Stack, Ph.D., ABPP
    Assessment Therapy

    Dana Toutfest, Psy.D.
    Adult Therapy, Couples Therapy

    Wendy Yost, Ph.D.
    Adult Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


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    University of Detroit Mercy Athletic Department


    University of Detroit Mercy School of Law - Immigration Clinic

    • Psychological assessment for individuals seeking asylum
    • Individual services by referral of legal staff

    Providence Hospital Medical Education

    Psychological evaluations and individual psychotherapy