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Upcoming Workshops

Workshops Designed with Your Needs in Mind
Helping our students to become strong writers and critical thinkers is essential to their success.  From English to Engineering, our workshops and individual collaborations assist faculty of all disciplines. We'll provide you with tools and techniques to develop new and existing writing assignments to infuse writing and feedback into a variety of classroom settings.

Click on the courses below to view and register for upcoming workshops.

If you would like to suggest a topic for a future workshop, please contact us!

Sigrid Streit, Ph.D. |  streitsi@udmercy.edu and Joe Paszek, Ph.D. | paszekjo@udmercy.edu

About Sigrid Streit

In her capacity as director of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), Sigrid Streit collaborates with departments and individual instructors to support the integration of writing into all disciplines across the university. In addition to the offered workshops, Streit is available to meet on an individual basis. Topics may include--but are not limited to--designing writing assignments and prompts, providing student feedback, and developing short writing assignments for large lecture classes.

Contact her with your questions and ideas via email (streitsi@udmercy.edu) or stop by her office, room 222, Briggs Building.