Department of Economics Program Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Arts - Economics Major

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand basic economic concepts

Learning Objectives
Display a familiarity with the basic economic concepts and theories necessary to understand the functioning of the U.S. and global economies.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Express qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate a familiarity with qualitative and quantitative analysis in explaining the economic theories that underlie social and economic problems.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand and communicate competing economic theories

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge of competing economic theories and models in both historical and contemporary settings.


Bachelor of Arts - Financial Economics Major

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand basic economic and financial economics concepts

Learning Objectives
Display a familiarity with the basic economic and financial economic concepts necessary to understand the functioning of the banking, international trade, and government systems both in the U.S. and abroad.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Apply economics to contemporary financial issues and challenges.

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate an ability to critically analyze and advance recommendations of contemporary financial challenges.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Express qualitative and quantitative models and tools of analysis

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate a familiarity with qualitative and quantitative models in explaining economic theories that underlie social and economic problems.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand Financial Economic theories and models.

Learning Objectives
Articulate and effectively communicate economic and financial economic theories and models. 


Minor - Economics

Graduates of the program will:
  1. Be able to understand the ideas, concepts, tools, theories, and models of economics.
  2. Be able to demonstrate an integration of the subdivisions within economics such as economic development, financial economics, economic thought, monetary and fiscal policy, public finance, and international finance, and the application of these subdivisions to current economic issues and problems.
  3. Be able to express economic ideas accurately, professionally, and succinctly by effectively applying relevant economic sources and data in various written formats.
  4. Be able to gather and analyze relevant data as well as critically evaluate economic policy proposals and their diverse outcomes in relation to various contemporary economic models and theories.


Minor - Financial Economics

Graduates of the program will:
  1. Be able to understand the ideas, concepts, tools, theories, and models of economics
  2. Be able to demonstrate an integration of the subdivisions such as economic development, money and capital markets, monetary and fiscal policy, public finance, financial economics, and international finance and trade, and the application of these subdivisions to current economic issues and problems.
  3. Be able to express economic ideas accurately, professionally, and succinctly by effectively applying relevant economic sources and data in various written formats.
  4. Be able to gather and analyze relevant data as well as critically evaluate economic policy proposals and their diverse outcomes in relation to various contemporary economic models and theories.


Master of Arts in Economics

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand basic economics concepts

Learning Objectives
Display a familiarity with advanced economic concepts models and theories.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand economic theories and the application to contemporary issues.

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate an ability to critically analyze and make recommendations for complex contemporary economic challenges.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Express qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis

Learning Objectives
Demonstrate a familiarity with qualitative and quantitative analysis in explaining and evaluating economic conditions and issues.

Learning Outcome
Communicate economics paradigms.

Learning Objectives
Articulate and effectively communicate complex economic ideas by organizing, interpreting and presenting quantitative economic data and research findings.

Where Assessed
Representative sample of research projects and case analyses throughout coursework.

Master of Arts in Financial Economics

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand ideas, concepts, tools, theories and models of economics.

Learning Objective
Demonstrate knowledge of financial concepts and models.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Understand subdisciplines and the application of these disciplines to current economic issues and problems.

Learning Objective
Demonstrate an integration of their economic knowledge of the subdisciplines such as economic development and analysis of economic conditions, economic ideas, monetary and fiscal policy, financial economics, quantitative analysis, public finance, and international analysis and trade.

Learning Outcome
Communicate and apply financial economic theories and models appropriately.

Learning Objective
Produce oral and written communications that express economic ideas accurately, professionally and succinctly that utilize key economic resources and data.

Where Assessed
Representative sample throughout coursework Express quantitative and logical economic principles Analyze and integrate quantitative data and theoretical constructs to critically evaluate economic policy.

Where Assessed

Learning Outcome
Analyze and express quantitative economic principles.

Learning Objective
Analyze and integrate quantitative data and theoretical constructs to critically evaluate economic policy.


Master of Science in Applied Data Analytics

Learning Outcome
Understand critical thinking skills, scientific reasoning methodologies, the limits of statistics, and responsibly apply ethical reasoning to all aspects of data analytics

Demonstrate the development of critical thinking and scientific reasoning skills with an attention to the ethical aspects of data analytics.

Where Assessed
Introduction to Applied Data Analytics, Quantitative Foundations for Data Analysis, and Economics Modeling for Data Analysis.

Learning Outcome
Acquire the skills on selecting appropriate research design and analysis methodologies based on the research purposes and attributes of available data sets

Demonstrate the knowledge regarding different forms of research design, measurement, and data.

Where Assessed
Several courses.

Learning Outcome
Demonstrate data management skills, data mining techniques, and understand the various types of database structures

Development of knowledge regarding how to evaluate the quality of data prior to analysis and how to engage in responsible and effective data cleaning practices.

Where Assessed
Database Design and Database Management.

Learning Outcome
Demonstrate knowledge in the use of multivariate statistics, mathematical and statistical modeling techniques related to providing inferential statistics and prediction of diverse outcomes

Analyze quantitative and qualitative data with a sound theoretical understanding to deliver meaningful interpretations.

Where Assessed
Research projects throughout the program and the capstone project.

Learning Outcome
Understand statistical software packages to analyze large-scale data sets, provide valuable interpretation on statistical outputs, and deliver effective communication of analysis outcomes.

Demonstrate the ability of using statistical packages on analyzing data and deliver oral presentations and written communications that express the analysis accurately, professionally and succinctly.

Where Assessed
Throughout several courses including Statistical Software course and capstone project.