Pre-Law Program

University of Detroit Mercy Pre-Law Program
If you are interested in pursuing a career in law, University of Detroit Mercy's Pre-Law Program provides you with a challenging curriculum and an array of undergraduate judicial politics courses that will create a solid foundation in your understanding of legal terminology, conducting legal research, writing legal briefs and constructing logical legal arguments.
While this is not a degree-granting program, upon completion of the 24-credit hour requirements, you will receive a Certificate in Legal Studies. A question often comes up about how to incorporate these requirements into an already full schedule. Some classes may satisfy more than one requirement making it feasible to obtain the legal studies certificate in the course of meeting the requirements for the major.
Several majors are well suited for this program, including political science, philosophy, English and economics.
In addition, Detroit Mercy’s Pre-Law Program provides a variety of opportunities to receive first-hand knowledge of law-related activities. For example, you will be able to participate in moot court and play various roles from judge to jury and can experience an actual law class simulation from instructors at Detroit Mercy Law. Once in the program, you are assigned to an advisor from Detroit Mercy's Pre-Law Committee.
University of Detroit Mercy coordinates with representatives from LSAT test preparation organizations to come to the University's political science classes throughout the year to give talks about the LSAT exam and getting into law school.
Students interested in law school may be eligible for substantial savings for a departmental stipend to help defer the cost of an LSAT prep course.
You also have the opportunity to become more involved with the Detroit Mercy student organization, Students for Politics & Law, and an internship experience in Washington, D.C.
Other benefits to the program include participation and attendance in Law Day Fair which is offered in the fall semester and typically creates an opportunity for you to speak with representatives from law schools across the country, watch and/or participate in a moot court trial; and take a practice LSAT exam.

Student Testimonial

Natalia Grasso ’22
Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science
Minor in Philosophy
"After graduation, I will be pursuing my JD degree and my MBA. Attending Detroit Mercy has taught me the importance of forging interpersonal relationships. I know my mentors and professors are invested in my endeavors and that in turn has me driven to succeed!"

Francis R. Doud ’21
Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science
"My advice to incoming freshman in the political science program would be to participate in as many moot courts or mock trials as possible in undergrad. Especially the law day ones. They are not only a lot of fun, but the moot court on law day is a great way to network with law school representatives if your future plans involve attending law school. Even if you do not want to attend law school, it is a great way to use what you learn in the classroom and get to know your classmates outside of class."
Alumni Feature

Dalonzo Curges ’21
Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science
Dalonzo Curges '21 was recently featured on Cleveland Ohio's 19 News for helping connect residents in the city's poorest and most unconnected neighborhoods to the internet as part of the Neighbor to Neighbor program, launched by the nonprofit Rocket Community Fund. “It’s so important to me that everyone has access so they can do everything they need to do to sustain their household and do everyday life,” said Curges, who majored in political science and minored in both leadership and business law. Full story:
View the full Detroit Legal News article [PDF]
Detroit Mercy Pre-Law Committee
- Associate Professor of Political Science
- Director of the Pre-Law Program
- Department Chair, Political Science
- Director of Undergraduate Business Programs
- Arnold Jarboe Chair, Business Administration
- Assistant Dean for Academics
- College of Engineering & Science
- Professor of History
- Department
Co-Chair, History
- Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Studies