Master of Arts with a major in criminal justice

Designed for law enforcement, corrections officers and security personnel
The Master of Arts with a major in criminal justice is designed for you, as a professional worker (law enforcement, corrections officer, security personnel) and others who desire to further their knowledge of the criminal justice system and its related disciplines. This program is developed to meet the need for specialized training for criminal justice suited to its unique functions. Law enforcement and corrections personnel acquire a broad background in administrative theory and current concerns of the criminal justice system. Students interested in a generalist's approach to criminal justice will find the course of study appropriate. This program will provide you with an opportunity to broaden and deepen your perspective in the criminal justice profession.
Career Pathways
- Correctional Officer / Treatment Specialist
- Detective / Criminal Investigator
- Forensic Science Technician
- Police Officer
- Private Detective / Investigator
- Special Agent
Problem solving, leadership, critical thinking and the prudent application of theory to practice are skills that the program is designed to foster.
Program Flexibility
This program's course of study can be pursued on a full- or part-time basis.
A Variety of Backgrounds
At least 50% of students are employed full-time, often in the field they are pursuing.
Strong Communication
Close faculty-student communication helps students achieve their goals.
The course of study can be pursued on a full- or part-time basis. Close faculty-student contact is maintained to assist each student in formulating realistic individual objectives and in selecting course work to attain them. Program arrangements are flexible so that individual needs can be served. At least 50 percent of students are employed full-time, often in the field they are pursuing. Course scheduling and specific, individualized programs are designed to take advantage of students' backgrounds and to permit students to pursue the master's degree at the pace most reasonable to themselves. The program is designed for late afternoon and evening students.